For a long time I've been stuck in the rut of just revising my middle grade novel. Recently, though, I have run into a few opportunities that have motivated me to submit to some publishers that aren't usually open to unsolicited manuscripts.
In last month's Children's Book Insider newsletter there was a call for non-fiction manuscripts for photo stories at a local publisher. I jumped at the chance and pulled together a story and sent photos. It felt good to get out there again, though I'm not holding my breath.
In this month's Children's Book Insider there is another opportunity to submit a story that incorporates math. I just happen to have a manuscript I wrote a while back that I felt fit that niche. I brushed the dust off, tightened it up and sent it off.
I truly feel I've accomplished a few things to feel good about.
Children's Book Insider has really offered more reasons to submit lately and I like that!