Saturday, August 21, 2021

Small Warbler Wave

This time of year warblers start to gather in anticipation of migration. Where I live there are at least ten warbler species that nest in the National Forest.

An exciting species is one that has been considered for listing on the Endangered Species list. The Golden-winged Warbler is rarely encountered in big numbers in most of the nation, but northern Minnesota is one of its strongholds.

I am lucky enough to have them nest nearby and a family visited my yard. They were gathering to take a dip in my bird bath, but weren't brave enough to come down.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

SCBWI Winter Conference

 I am so excited I get to attend the SCBWI Winter Conference because it is virtual this year.

Since the two national conferences are in New York and Los Angeles, I don't think I'll ever get to go. They are too far away and beyond my budget.

The place and the price are just right this year.

Hope to "see" you there!

Sunday, February 7, 2021

A New Visitor


After viewing the same feeder birds all winter, a small flock of different birds descended on the scene.

These visitors don’t show up in our state (MN) every year. They are what is called an irruptive species. They only show up when their food is scarce in Canada.

The Common Redpoll is a bird the size of an American Goldfinch with a red cap, black chin, and some streaking on the side of the breast. Some have blush on their breasts, especially the males.

Since these birds normally roam the woods of Canada, they do not fear people. They can be approached easily. When you fill the feeder, they don’t fly away.

It was nice to see a bit of variety popping up among the everyday birds.