Thursday, April 24, 2014

Spring Flocks

You know it's spring when flocks of birds appear.  As my previous post mentions, I always know my birthday is near when I look up to see and hear the long "V's" of tundra swans.

Other flocks that make me look up are snow geese, sandhill cranes and American white pelicans.

I live in a river valley, so spring flocks are common.  One morning when I was on my deck enjoying the sun warming the floor boards, I looked at the fast-moving fluff-ball clouds and noticed a large bird flock coming my way.

The flock caught a thermal over my head and I was treated to the salt-and-pepper pattern of the American white pelican.

What I mean by salt-and-pepper is that when the pelicans circle, they appear to change from light to dark -- alternating colors as they turn in the sun.  This is a diagnostic feature that helps to identify the flock.  It is well known that white pelicans circle on thermals.  I enjoyed the sight as I soaked in the sun.

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