Saturday, March 8, 2014

Replacing Frustration with Action

Lately I've been feeling a little down.  Gee, do you think it might be the weather? Maybe, but it doesn't help when a colleague announces at a meeting that he has just published a book on a subject near and dear to my heart -- a photographic book on eagles.

Also dragging on me is that I submitted proposals to three work-for-hire publishers and haven't heard a peep. Seems that's the story of my life.

Then I read an article by John Green about the girl, Esther, that inspired his book The Fault in Our Stars.

The article kicked me in the butt and made me realize there are people out there with much bigger problems than my pity party topics.  My life goes on and I must keep trying and fighting like Esther and there's a chance some day my writing will be recognized.  I will continue write and submit.  Onward....

P.S. spring is finally coming and so are the birds!

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